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Cambridge Common

Cambridge Common is a comfy, welcoming neighborhood restaurant offering our celebrated comfort food, huge portions, cheap prices, and a full bar with 30 beers on tap (well, 31 when the Cask is on), 16 of which rotate like nobody's business, always one organic brew, a kick-ass bottle or two, and a sizzlin' burger for only $4.95. Often the first spot in New England to introduce the latest and greatest microbrews, Cambridge Common has been referred to by the Alstrom Bros (a.k.a. the Beer Advocates) as “our allies in the war on crap beer.” Our large bar, inviting wooden booths, and warm lighting, combined with our uber-friendly staff, have made us a local hotspot and cozy hangout. Cambridge Common is also home of the intimate and funky Lizard Lounge, offering live music nightly.

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